The Ultimate Course For English Language Mastery
ELP is a series of special innovative English Language Learning programs developed by ZodEDU experts to enhance all the five language learning functions including Grammar, Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking simultaneously incorporating BBC Learning English materials and Cambridge English learning tactics
ELP Elementary
for whom : school student & basic candidates
course outcome
You are able to communicate in wholly practical day to day situations. For example give your personal data, family members, name and address, hometown etc. You can rephrase as well as repeat, and require the assistance of a sympathetic listener.
You can follow the English used in day to day situations, if a speaker speaks clearly, slowly and repeats and reformulates. Comprehensions depend frequently on the mother tongue, visual support and/or demonstration.
You are able to short and simple messages and factual notes. You write slowly, rewrite what you write, referring to any bilingual dictionary.
You are able to comprehend short and simple texts in day to day practical situations. You may need to make use of your mother tongue or visual support to aid you in understanding; you read slowly, continually re-reading and sometimes referring to a dictionary.
ELP pre-Intermediate
For Whom : Degree / PG Students and Professionals who are good at basic english
course outcome
You possess a fairly basic ability in communicating in a practical day to day situation. You can go into shops and ask for goods, order food in a restaurant, reserve a room in a hotel, request basic services in a bank or post office, and to explain the nature of a physical problem to your doctor.
You are starting to follow natural speech. You can understand the kind of language used from day to day. You can understand things like prices of goods in shops, simple directions on how to reach places, questions and advice from your doctor, and the customary questions asked at the immigration wing.
You are able to write short, simple and comprehensive messages and notes, faxes, postcards, letters, and e-mails, although you frequently re-write and refer to the dictionary.
You can follow texts in every practical situation whether it is about eating out, doing shopping, and making use of services like banks. You are able to read ordinary letters, and get basic information from various factual texts, as also make limited use of sources of information like bilingual dictionaries and computers.
ELP Intermediate
For Whom : Degree / PG Students and Professionals who are good at basic english
course outcome
You can confidently handle situations that you come across in shops, hotels and restaurants, with confidence. You also can get the necessary information from a tourist information centre, and follow the chief points of any guided tour. You can join in an ordinary conversation on predictable topics.
You can follow the English language used in everyday situations, the broad outline of any guided tour, the basic meaning of a TV program, and simple messages by phone. You can follow parts of a speech and take part in a limited way in a tutorial or seminar if an allowance is made for speakers, not native to English.
You can write messages, short notes, e-mails, and simple letters, even though it is necessary to be checked by a colleague. You are allowed to make notes at a meeting. You only need to write a simple description, and not at all an academic essay.
You can understand simple texts used in everyday practical situations and the general meaning of simple articles. You can read and act on such things as standard letters and reports on familiar topics. You can extracts information from a textbook or academic article.
ELP UPPER-Intermediate
For Whom : Degree / PG Students and Professionals who are good at basic english
course outcome
You can handle with confidence deal with situations that you may come across arise in shops, hotels and restaurants, and hotels, and express your pleasure or displeasure at the service you received. In social conversations you can easily chat about a series of subjects as also express your opinions to some extent.
You can follow casual conversation, a TV program and the key points of any radio programme. You can understand a guided tour well enough to ask answer questions. You can follow presentations or demonstrations and the general meaning of a lecture.
You can write letters and e-mails of most kinds and compose a series of written documents. But these might be by a native speaker if register and accuracy are important. You can also compose an essay displaying your communicative ability.
You can read and understand the material in routine letters, basic magazine and newspaper articles, short reports, and texts connected to true-life topics, or your own tastes in literature, but cannot understand theoretical material like technical reports.