#1 IELTS Training Institute In Manjeri That Guarantee Results
Get IELTS 7+ Band In Less Than Six Weeks And Expand Your Career Opportunities

Finally.., A Quick & Easy Way For You To Crack IELTS
Are you scared of IELTS exam? Thoughts of IELTS make you worried? And looking for ways to achieve the desired band faster? Then you are at the right place..
At ZodEDU, we help you to achieve your desired band and study at your dream university or move to your dream country in the shortest possible time. In the last 13 years, we’ve helped hundreds of students to easily achieve their desired band without years of hard work and trial and error. Our IELTS training program is the ultimate course to score 7+ band in IELTS and expand your career opportunities.
What is IELTS?

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) remains the most important English-language test in the world. This prestigious test prepares you to study, migrate and work in countries like USA, UK, Canada and Australia, with around 2 million IELTS tests taken during last year alone. IELTS is owned jointly by such prominent organizations such as the British Council, the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations or Cambridge ESOL and IDP: IELTS Australia.
IELTS evaluates every one of your English language skills, such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. IELTS is designed to echo real life situational uses of English, whether you are at study, work, or play.
The IELTS test is meticulously prepared by some of the leading experts in the world on the English language assessment. It enjoys an outstanding global reputation, and as such is recognized over 9,000 institutions from around the world, comprising of schools, colleges, universities, prestigious professional bodies, employers, as also immigration authorities.
IELTS remains the most extensively acknowledged English language test on earth that employs a one-on-one speaking test, in order to judge your skills in English communication. This signifies that your skills are evaluated by conducting live, real-life conversations with an actual person. This is by far the most natural and effective means of testing the English conversational skills of any person.
You have a choice of two different versions of this singular test: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. Your choice is dependent on the kind of organization you want to apply to as well as your own plans for your bright future. The two versions of this premium test comprises of four parts: Listening, Reading, and Writing and Speaking. The results of these tests are graded on a scale that is unique to IELTS: the 9 band scale.
How to choose the version of IELTS that is appropriate for you?
You can with the institutions you want to apply to prior to deciding on your test!

You can choose from one of the two versions
- IELTS Academic
- IELTS General Training